A number of experts with more than 15 years of of working experience, the operation network of self-contained containers is all over the world, and China Railway, Kazakhstan Railway, and Russia Railway directly sign agents, and the annual delivery volume of international dedicated trains exceeds 100.

Railway export

China-Europe Railway
China-Russia Railway
Five countries railway and road transportation
E-commerce dedicated train
Sea-Rail Transport

The whole-process agency business from all over the country of China to Europe (China-Europe Railway)

Shandong and surrounding areas - Europe: Jiaozhou/Jinan/Zhengzhou/Shijiazhuang/Xuzhou/Changchun---Manzhouli/Alashankou/ Erenhot / Khorgas --- Malaszewicze /Hamburg/Duisburg, etc.

China-Russia Railway

  • Shandong and surrounding areas -- all over Russia: Jinan/Linyi/Shenyang -- Manzhouli -- all over Russia;
  • Shandong -- Minsk Point-to-point: Zibo -- Manzhouli -- Minsk;  
  • Shandong -- Moscow point-to-point: Jinan/Qingzhou/Jiaozhou/Zibo -- Manzhouli/Erlian/Horgos -- Volsino/Biereste. 

Five countries railway and road transportation

Shandong and its surroundings -- Five Central Asian states: Shijiazhuang/Qingzhou/Jiaozhou/Jinan/Linyi/Xinxiang -- Alashan Pass/Horgos -- Five Central Asian states 

E-commerce dedicated train

Jinan - Mara/Hamburg/Duburg, Jiaozhou - Minsk

Sea-Rail Transport

Weihai / Rizhao / Qingdao / Shanghai / Ningbo / Taicang / Lianyungang - Vladivostok / Vostok Oriental / Novorossiysk / Nakhodka - all Russia

Railway import customs clearance

Railway import customs clearance

Railway import customs clearance

  • Imports to China from the five Central Asian countries and Russia are carried over to all cities of the China.
  • Import from Europe to all over China