Goldman Sachs Logistics Games

Sports are like flowers blooming happily in Goldman Sachs, and youth is like fire burning brightly in the workplace! Gosun ushered in a unique company group building activity, which made Gosun people understand each other better, more intercommunicate and more inseparable! Everyone participated in various teamwork projects with passion, showing the infinite wisdom and team spirit of Gosun people. In the team race, we helped each other to move towards the end of the victory together; in the expansion training, we encouraged each other to climb the peak of teamwork. In every moment, we Gosun people felt the power and cohesion of the team!


We are young and confident, our youthfulness is like the rising sun, and our vigour is like the waving of sunshine. At this moment, the sports field is our wonderful stage, the sound of cheering is our award! In terms of success and honour, we have only one belief in our hearts: to fight!  

Cheer up Gosun people!


The morning breeze gently woke up the sun, the sound of the starting order came from the main field of Gosun, the applause and the shouts were fluttering together, the heart and the starting point were tightly connected, and the golden track was paved with youth and blood, and the fuse of victory was ignited with passion!


Youth does not break up, the future is promising, time does not grow old, we do not break up!

The future is bright~